Drug abuse continues to be a prevalent issue that affects individuals across all demographics, and boys are no exception. While drug abuse affects both genders, boys often find themselves more vulnerable to its grip due to various societal and psychological factors. The lure of drugs, commonly referred to as the hook, presents itself in numerous
Tag Archives: Concerns About Boys
It is all too common to see boys who have made mistakes being cast aside and abandoned by the world around them. Whether it is due to a lack of support from their families, teachers, or the community as a whole, these boys often internalize the message that they are not worthy of redemption or
Mentorship plays a critical role in guiding young boys toward personal and academic success. It provides them with the tools they need to navigate life’s challenges and seize opportunities. Despite the clear benefits, several misconceptions about mentoring boys often deter potential mentors and stakeholders from participating or supporting such programs. The Boys Mentoring Advocacy Network
As boys grow and transition through various stages of life, they encounter a unique set of challenges that can impact their development and future success. At the Boys Mentoring Advocacy Network (BMAN), we recognize these concerns and are dedicated to addressing them through effective mentorship and community support. In this post, we explore some of