Tag Archives: Emotional Health

Mothers Happiness: The Strongest Determinant of Boys Success

The age-old adage that a happy mother leads to a happy family holds more truth than one might realize, particularly when it comes to the success of sons. The intricate bond between a mother and her children plays a pivotal role in shaping their futures. Recent research underscores the profound impact a mother’s happiness can

The Missing Qualities That Contribute to Suicide in Boys

Suicide is a critical public health issue, and its impact on boys and young men is particularly poignant. While various factors contribute to this tragic outcome, certain missing qualities or protective factors can significantly influence the risk. In this blog post, we will explore the essential qualities that, when absent, may contribute to increased vulnerability

Encouraging Boys to Open Up: A Guide for Mothers

Getting boys to talk about their problems can sometimes seem like a daunting task for mothers. Societal expectations and traditional gender norms often discourage boys from expressing vulnerability. However, helping boys open up about their challenges is crucial for their emotional health and development. In this blog post, we explore strategies mothers can employ to

EMOTIONAL SUPPRESSION: A Silent Killer among Boys and Men

Emotional suppression has emerged as a leading cause of early death among boys and men, acting as the breeding ground for numerous diseases. Society has ingrained the belief that expressing emotions is a sign of weakness, perpetuating a toxic culture of emotional suppression, particularly among males. However, the consequences of bottling up emotions can be